Space Clearing

Space Clearing

We offer you from a distance a complete energetic cleaning for your house, your flat, garden, or even for your commercial space, restaurant, office, or cafe, etc.!

The special feature and uniqueness of our Energetic Cleaning - Room Clearing is that we do this in pairs, that means in concrete terms, two experienced clairvoyant media will perform the work from a distance.

Through our clairvoyance and through our contact to the spiritual world it is possible for us to quickly grasp the history and also the energetic actual situation of buildings, houses and properties and to work together with the spiritual world on a dissolution of energies!

Another special feature of our work is not only to clean the surfaces energetically. We will also work on it, that the energies will flow harmoniously after the execution of the clearing and with the help of the spiritual world also increase the vibration at the mentioned property, house or flat! On request we can also set up energetic power stations with the support of the spiritual world over the distance.

In our clearing work, more than 15 years of experience also flow in as an afterlife medium, i.e. we can also free any living space etc. from spit and negative energies and help so that the room energies can flow again.

We have already been able to help many people to clean their houses, industrial areas and apartments, so that a move out could be prevented and a feeling of well-being in one's own four walls could be restored.

If you have the feeling that the energy in your home or in your commercial area is disturbed, then please contact us and we will carry out a free clairvoyant analysis for you from a distance and tell you exactly which work steps would have to be done and what the conditions will look like.

Send us gladly for this an email to:

Further information on energetic cleaning for houses, flats and properties

Maybe this looks familiar to you:

Sometimes you get the feeling that the things you are doing are going in the wrong direction. There is no success, despite the passion you bring up and invest.

It feels like wearing a "lead coat" and building up resistance and hurdles in front of you. Processes in the company stagnate and disharmonies also affect the employees. A newly acquired commercial area, house or property, is still strongly connected with the previous owner and a new start is thus made more difficult.

You enter a place, a house, a cafe, or a building and you have a bad feeling. One would like to go again and not be there. Especially as the owner of a cafe or restaurant, this can be devastating if the customers prefer to move on rather than make themselves comfortable to stay. Everybody knows this feeling, mostly you can't interpret it, but you don't feel well, arriving and feeling well is not possible, no matter how hard you try!

Usually the room energy, the natural flow of the room is disturbed. The energy cannot flow freely. It can also be that foreign energies, deceased and negative energies have an effect and thus keep the room energy low, here an energetic purification can be a means to change the polarity of blocked energies and to clean the rooms energetically.

The experience of the last years with our customers, among other things also well-known personalities from radio and television, showed that in most cases, an energetic purification is sufficient, in order to see and/or notice notice noticeable successes!

Examples of customer orders, all over the world:
Cleaning of properties, building plots and forest areas
Cleaning of houses and apartments
Cleaning of companies and commercial premises, cafés, restaurants, galleries and office buildings

The work usually looks like that a free analysis of the energy qualities, is carried out remotely and then a cost estimate is sent, with a detailed elaboration of the work that are to be done.

For this we need a photo or floor plan of the object to be cleaned, as well as your name and date of birth. Subsequently, an appointment will be made on which the energetic work will be carried out. The procedure is usually as follows: three work steps are carried out. First, the actual cleaning of the surfaces and rooms is carried out, then the space energy is converted and finally the space energy is replenished so that the natural flow of energy is restored.

If necessary, power stations inside or outside the building are also initiated.

We also accompany you personally after the energetic cleansing and support you with words and deeds. 

For further questions we are at your disposal.

For a first contact please send us an email to:

From the heart
Jessica and Patrick

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