Channeling January 2020

Channeling January 2020

Archangel Michael Monthly Message January 2020- Monthly channeling on 08.01.2020 by channel medium Patrick Dörfer

"Beloved Soul, 

I am happy to speak to you today and to be with you!
In the month of January it will be more about the community and also about the community as people on your planet! It is more and more about connecting the lights and to let a big We arise on the new, yes your earth!
Have no more fears and unite on the gates, yes on the gates of this golden shining earth!

Leave all the horror scenarios aside for once and concentrate on what you want, on what the light in you wants!
It is about expansion, but also about real faith, which will then also become reality!
Many people on your Earth are currently talking about this planet in various languages, but do they know your planet, do they know what is possible? Do they know the plans of the light within you? The manifestation forces of peace? The great Brotherhood of Light? Do they know or sense the new earth?

Many people are so caught up at the moment in the old beliefs and thoughts that it is difficult for them to put themselves in the new one!

But for those who have already experienced the new spirit of the earth within themselves, it is easier and they get more access to the new cycles of creation every day, creation tools from higher worlds of light, they get day in, day out, more updates and information, more than often portable for them and their bodies. 

Also this can sometimes be very strong for the body, so allow yourselves to rest and take breaks again and again, for you and for your body, it needs this time more than ever! The transition is very demanding and also spiritually demanding, that is why we ask you for rest, for your mind and body!

You may finally leave the old paths of fear and you do this by connecting with your free will, yes, using it, for yourself and for your life!

When you connect with your creator being you will be free, you will go into fear and hysteria, so the old earth with all its thoughts and energies will keep you on your toes as you hear it day in day out in your media!
Go more into the expansion, into the new, to live and follow the flow of life, to trust and follow the impulses from your inner being!

There is no instance that wants to patronize you, it is about your higher self that wants to celebrate and create the new. The new is already there, the new spirit is there, now the new knowledge may be fed into your system and then applied on your respective levels of consciousness!

You may apply that which is already there for you, 
you get to live what's inside you!
You may do what is in you!

But act out of your new energetic updates, the new Spirit of the Earth and you will find that your soul plan is synchronized with this process and an immense pressure will fall!

Many have felt in the past that they were in the wrong place, they have often felt pressure to miss something, to have missed something that was perhaps very important, this will become less and less until it stops completely!
When you connect deep within yourself, with the new spirit of the earth and the new energies, with the crystalline energy within you, then this doubt and this pressure stops and you celebrate what is there!
You do what is there...

You fill out the role that is then there!
And peace can arise in you and in all cells!
It's all about peace in the cells, which then also creates peace in your future!
Let these old emotions and fears go and especially the thoughts of lack!
Many are worried about the earth and yet few know that the earth is also a creative consciousness and why should it be worn out at these energetic weddings?
Who told you that?
Why are you afraid when there is abundance?

The new Earth is forming at a rapid pace and things will become possible that you can hardly imagine - even then you may release the limitations of your imagination completely!

Release everything that keeps you from your hyper-consciousness, even your multi-dimensional consciousness!
Do not build up any more resistance!
Go into the new energy, breathe in and out and become, yes be free

The most important thing for you is not to go into fear, because then you will go into shortage and how can shortage fit into the new Earth?

Try to implement what is already possible for you now, take your chances, but do something and do not let fears and hysteria, often man-made, drag you down, try to understand that there is also an energy vampirism taking place on these very low vibration fields.

You are all taken care of, we always say that!
And it always will be!

For you are the new time and the new earth, YES.
So be it, so be it!


With love
Archangel Michael"

Affirmation January 2020: "I live my fullest potential where I am"!

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