Message of the Spiritual World

Message of the Spiritual World, through medium Jessica on 09.08.2020

Spiritual Power

"Your soul is immortal and untouchable, it is the divine part within yourself.

God gave you your soul to grow, to prosper, yes, to experience all your lives also in your body. YES.

Some of you have lost touch with your soul power, so today we would like to remind you to consciously "reconnect" with your soul.

Your soul works with you through your heart, but if you dwell in fear and oblivion for too long you will find it difficult to find your way back to yourself.

Be mindful beloved treasure, choose wisely, decide for yourself and your divine soul power. Your soul is a gift from God, do not put it at risk.

Remember your soul power.

In love and mindfulness,

the spiritual world. „

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