Personal Unicorn Painting

Personal Unicorn Painting

Unicorns help us to find our soul's way again

Your unicorn painting helps you to consciously get back into your heart. When Jessica channels your unicorn painting from the Spiritual World, she consciously connects with you and your Higher Self, as well as with the world of unicorns. 


The unicorns help us to consciously get in touch with our heart again and thus also in contact with our soul-sound.


Unicorns reflect our wisdom of the soul and at this time it is especially important that we listen to the sound of our soul again. When we are in contact with ourselves again, we can also follow our true heart path and find our calling.


What does your soul want to learn in this life?

What is the plan of your soul?

What is NOW very important for you and where are you allowed to look, feel and recognize NOW. Very consciously for yourself?


The Unicorn Worlds invite you to consciously arrive at yourself, to take a seat in your heart and to be truly with yourself.

Message of the unicorns:

"Beloved soul, what are you waiting for? What does your heart really long for? Who are you in truth? And who or what do you want to be NOW?" We invite you to be truly honest with yourself and to leave all illusionary worlds, because they only distract you from yourself. It is all about truthfulness and consciousness. YES.NOW.YES."


To your unicorn painting you also receive a channeled message from your unicorn.

***Anyone who has such a channeled painting can consciously work with this. The energy light painting spreads positive energies and thus improves the atmosphere and raises the energy of the room!

Since the channeled energies are "installed" and sealed into the painting by a certain process, an active working with and through these painting is possible.


You can find detailed instructions here:


* You consciously connect with your painting through your heart and through your hand chakras and let the subtle energies flow into your energetic system. This can happen while lying down, but also while standing, in front of the painting (depending on the size of the canvas).


* You always breathe in and out into your heart and allow yourself to absorb and accept the subtle energies. With each conscious inhalation and exhalation these energies flow more and more into your own energetic system and can thus slowly integrate and you can completely recharge and relax.


Each painting is unique and has a certain energetic frequency and thus represents a certain light being and also heart theme. It is also an imprint of the one cosmic energy.


More information about the Energetic Light Painting can be found here: Lightpainting

Possible canvas sizes with prices at a glance

Other sizes and prices on request.


Shipping costs are added to the respective painting price and vary depending on the size of the canvas and the country.


As soon as the full amount is credited to the account, the painting can be created.

The painting process can take between 8 and 12 weeks.

***If you would like to give such a personal unicorn painting as a gift to someone, for example for a birthday or other festive occasion, please let me know. Then a faster processing is possible ;) ***


I am looking forward to your painting order!

Please send me an email to:

From the heart,


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