Personal Spirit Guide - Power Animal Painting

Personal Spirit Guide -

Power Animal Painting

The Power-Animal-Painting is also a very powerful protection painting and keeps your house and home away from lower energies


What is a power-animal/ spirit guide painting?


This special painting is channeled from the spiritual world. For this purpose Jessica consciously connects with you and your power-animal, which is accompanying you right now or maybe always has been. Afterwards Jessica starts with your commissioned painting


Layer by layer your power-animal-painting will be created. Because this painting is channeled, all energies that you need in the NOW and also in the future, that serve you, will flow into this painting


The Power-Animal-Painting is also a very powerful protection painting and keeps your house and home away from lower energies.


How can you work specifically with your painting?


Your painting gives you exactly the energy you need to get in contact with yourself and your power-animal / spirit guide. 


Your power-animal wants to support you in reaching your full power and potential. You as a soul bring a certain sound, a certain plan with you to the earth. Your power-animal wants to support and accompany you in firstly remembering and secondly living your potential.


What is your greatest potential?

What connects you as a human with your soul?

Why did you come here?

What is your soul plan?

How can you put this plan into practice? 


Power-animals love us unconditionally and they long for us to recognise them and invite them back into our lives.


Because if they are consciously part of our lives, they can be wonderful friends and supporters and also trainers on a path to happiness and joy of life.


Yes to the lightness of being. If you are again consciously in contact with your power animal, you are also in contact with your soul.

Message of the power animals:

"We invite you to give us more space in your life again. If you are in contact with us, we will help you to come into your full power. But first you may recognise your roots and accept yourself as what you really are. YES.NOW.YES


Power animals are able to support and train us step by step on our very own way. They are protectors of your soul and your soul plan, but it is up to you what you make of it. Are you ready to dive into unknown depths of your being? 


...and free yourself from your Human Matrix?

Possible canvas sizes with prices at a glance

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