Aura Clearing

Aura Clearing

Energetic Purification Aura Clearing
Dissolution of foreign energies and negative energies in the aura field 

Aura Clearing releases new energies and lets you get back to yourself!

In the aura very often old energies, accumulated emotions, ancient injuries and traumas resonate, which no longer belong there and so permanently pull down the energy level. It is like a kind of energetic ballast, which often keeps the basic vibration and also the basic mood low, so that usually a feeling of not progressing, a feeling of narrowness, a feeling of sadness, the feeling of separation, lack of drive with lack of energy, partly controlled by others and the feeling of sitting in an energetic cage can be felt and perceived.

Especially people who have separated from their partner often have the feeling that this person is still energetically attached to them, this can often have energetic and karmic reasons. Wherever we have built up a relationship with people, there can still be strong energetic ligaments and laces that draw energy away from us. Through auraclearing these energetic ligaments are released and the aura is freed from energy vampires and damage programs. 

For people who focus on a professional or private new beginning, an Aura Clearing can be supportive to get rid of old energetic ballast and to lead energetically free into the new project!

Patrick's core competence is to perceive negative energies, foreign energies, implants, magical influences, curses, damage spells and castings, clairvoyantly and to eliminate and dissolve them in the next step with the help and support of the spiritual world and the high light beings!

Patrick has already helped many of his clients to remove foreign energies and negative energies as well as deceased people, who often attach themselves to emphatic people, from the aura and send them into the light or dissolve them, so that an immediate relief could be felt with his clients.

Patrick will be supported in the Energetic Purification by Jessica, who will work with Patrick on the dissolution and Energetic Purification from a distance as an experienced spiritual healer and as a medium through her many years of experience. Jessica's main focus and strengths lie in the harmonization of the aura and the separation of energetic cords, through her pronounced contact with the angels, she helps to channel the high vibrating light being energies and to pass them on to her clients. 

What is the process of Energetic Aura Purification?

Jessica and Patrick connect from afar with you, your Higher Self and also with your heavenly team and will then do a clairvoyant Aurascan, where Jessica and Patrick will clairvoyantly read information from your aura and look at the actual situation of your aura, your chakras and the higher chakras. Afterwards Jessica and Patrick will contact your soul level and work with the support of your heavenly companions and the light beings on the dissolution, respectively on the purification of your aura and on the purification of your chakras and your light channel. Patrick will specifically remove the negative energies and the foreign energies as well as manipulation programs from your aura field, purify your aura energetically in the next step and refill it with positive energy and healing energy, so that your aura can work harmoniously again and you can feel protected and powerful in everyday life!

The Energetic Aura Cleansing include one treatment appointment, 45-50 minutes, from a distance and a short telephone call after the end of the treatment.

Also it is possible to get a treatment at the Archangel Michael Healing Centre! 

If it is possible for you to come to us, see the link here: Aura-Clearing Session


We will make an appointment with you for the treatment, from the distance or at the Archangel Michael Healing Centre.

Distance Clearing:
At the appointment you will exhibit all sources of disturbance and relax at your home. We will work from a distance on your energy field and perform the aura clearing. After the treatment there will be a short telephone conversation where we will talk about your sensations during the treatment. We will also tell you what we have purified energetically and which energies have flowed during the Energetic Purification and what other information the Spiritual World has available for you.

70 Euro

For further questions please contact us at: contact@archangel-michael-healing.centre

We look forward to accompanying you on your way!

From the heart
Jessica and Patrick

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