Personal Guardian Angel Painting

Personal Guardian Angel Painting

I would love to paint your very personal guardian angel painting on canvas.
To be in contact with your own guardian angel also means to be in contact with yourself. The great gift of angels is that they help us to get more and more in touch with ourselves. 
To arrive in our midst, in our heart. If we manage to be centered in ourselves, we also find peace in ourselves. Your personal guardian angel knows you inside and out, he is constantly trying to simplify your life, to help you to come into your power and your potential. Every person who incarnated on this planet did so for a very specific reason. Your guardian angel knows all this and will help you to remember your soul again, i.e. to come into contact with your soul and with the divine.
The angels love us unconditionally and wish us an easy life, full of joy, devotion and love, inside as well as outside!
With your very personal guardian angel painting you can work with it for the rest of your life. The angels have taught me to install their energies as well as the energy of the spiritual world into the painting, so the energies can be felt and experienced for a lifetime. With this angel painting you can consciously communicate in meditation and silence, feel it and absorb the high energies into your energetic field and your heart. Give yourself the chance to grow and face your still blocking patterns, attachments and blockages. You don't have to walk the path alone, because every person has a spirit team around them, consciously or unconsciously, it's up to you what you make of it.

The guardian angel painting can also help you to re-establish contact with your angels and especially with your guardian angel. The angels and their energetic help, as well as their constructive power and love, can also be integrated into your everyday life.

The guardian angel painting is also a tool to open your own connection to the spiritual world even more stronger. The angels are available to you at any time and send you heavenly messages in your everyday life.

Since I was 16 years old I have already been able to paint many guardian angels for my customers and yet every guardian angel painting delights me again, because every guardian angel painting is unique and also the encounter with the different guardian angels is always different and very touching at the same time. There were moments when only tears flowed, when the angels let so much love and strength flow into the guardian angel painting and because also the personal messages of the guardian angels had so much love and acceptance. For me the guardian angel paintings are something very special and so I have been painting these wonderful energy paintings for my customers for over 15 years now and enjoy the heavenly work with the angels again and again. 

I also love to paint guardian angels for children, I have been allowed to paint many guardian angels with the angels for special events in life, such as birthday, birth, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Christmas and many other special days.
The guardian angel painting especially help the children to invite the angels again consciously into life, in order to alleviate fears, also fears of going to bed, since the children feel protected and guarded by their guardian angel, therefore it is advisable to place the personal guardian angel painting near the sleeping place, so that the calming healing energy of the pictures can also have an effect!

I also like to advise my clients to find the right place for your guardian angel painting with the help of the angels and the spiritual world! 

What is so special about my Personal Guardian Angel Paintings?

The guardian angel paintings are painted in direct contact with your guardian angel, your guardian angel will guide me exactly to let the matching colors, brush strokes, color sounds and artistic elements flow into your guardian angel painting. Your guardian angel is involved in the painting process from the very beginning and lets all the love and power flow into the painting. Your guardian angel will also send me a personal message for you that will help you in the current situation. But the message can also contain information that only yourself can understand, because your guardian angel knows you best and has been with you since your birth and sometimes even earlier.

Further information:

For each ordered painting you will also receive a personal message (Personal Channeling) of your light being, which you will receive in the form of a folded card. In addition to your angel painting you will also receive a channeled painting analysis. The painting analysis comprises approx. 1 to 2 DIN A4 pages. In this analysis the meanings of the colors are decoded and current topics which are reflected in your painting are addressed and named concretely. These paintings help you to consciously see and feel where you stand. Current blockades and topics are addressed in this angel painting and should help you to support your personal life. So it can also be that you will not like a certain color or form in your painting. That is no reason to despair, rather the beings of light invite you to experience this restlessness, disagreement... to place in your innermost. If you work actively with your guardian angel painting and the spiritual world, these blockades can also dissolve and the existing problem can be seen as a blessing.

If you want me to paint your Personal Guardian Angel, then I need:
* a photo, as well as your full name.

Possible canvas sizes with prices at a glance
Other sizes and prices on request.
Shipping costs are added to the respective painting, which vary depending on the size of the canvas and the country.
As soon as the full amount has been credited to our account, the painting can be created.

The painting process can take between 8 and 12 weeks.
***If you would like to give such a personal guardian angel painting as a gift to someone, for example for a birthday or other festive occasion, please let me know. Then a faster processing is possible ;) ***
I looking forward to your order.

Write me an email : 

From the heart,

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