News and energy July 2020

News and energy - 30.07.2020 - Impulses from the spiritual world with Patrick

Focus on what is eternal

High energies work, change is progressing!

High energies are currently flowing more and more to the earth and they also have an effect on our energy body and also on the physical body.

The energies of change flow continuously to us and they invite us to flow with our light and with our being.

The focus is crucial right now, which level and reality do you want to nourish?

The artificial, even the false light and illusion are becoming more and more visible and there will be a time, an event on an energetic basis where these constructs will not come afterwards.

Enjoy the creative play, buckle up, because the next weeks and months can be turbulent.

During this time you can be completely with yourself, breathe consciously and follow the traces of the shine within you and become one with the light.

Focus on what is eternal.

Do not give so much energy to the ephemeral, even artificial levels of deception.

Look where your energy is going.

It is a historical, high-energy time that has everything we need.

So much is becoming visible, more and more every day.

Do not forget conscious grounding in your daily life, you will find that when you consciously connect with yourself and with Mother Earth you will come through this exciting time more easily.

The time may be exciting, but a calm, unexcited mind has an easier time of it.

It is the flowing that matters, to flow with your being, with your cosmos, at your own pace.

Do not be deceived on the planes, the physical, the emotional, and the lower self.

Connect this level with your love and with the clarity of your soul and the integral, yes the whole is born in you and in your life.

Allow yourself to be well.

From the heart


Cover picture: "Unicorn of Knowledge", painted by Jessica

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