Impulses from the spiritual world

Impulses from the spiritual world on 03.09.2020 with Patrick

It is a good time to throw everything overboard once and then really 100%

In this quality of time it is important to become more and more calm, to accept and get to know one's own being, this does not mean the history of the human being.

It is about the great spirit within you!

We can also let go of mistakes and flaws and no longer rub emotionally against them.

If you have made a mistake, then stand by it, but do not hold these mistakes or slips up emotionally and do not celebrate them, in a negative sense, continuously in you.

Many people often cannot let go of deep emotional experiences, a part of them has become addicted to drama and also to suffering.

This is another thing we can recognize and let go of and we should not take ourselves too seriously, including these dramas. It is a good time to throw everything overboard once and then really 100%.

Also the emotional pitfalls of the last century may go.

A great process of letting go and healing may happen and it is happening in you.



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