Personal Channeling

Personal Channeling

In Personal Channeling we consciously connect with your Higher Self, Guardian Angel and Spirit Guide and retrieve the information for you and your heart path that is helpful and supportive in your current situation.

The channelings serve you as mirrors, signposts and as a source of information and impulses!

The special feature and uniqueness of our channeling offer is that you receive a message from two experienced channel media, so a wealth of information and messages from the spiritual world flow into your personal channeling.

The channeling is structured so that you receive a personal message from your Guardian Angel and a message from your Higher Self-Spirit Guide. It is also possible that in addition to your Personal Channeling, other Light Beings may also speak up, holding messages ready for you that are supportive of your development. With the channelings it often happens that the spiritual world also passes on techniques and instructions, so that one can also actively work on oneself, one's topics and one's energetic field directly after the channeling. The channeling gives you insights and information about your soul plan and your soul origin. It can also happen that you get specific insights into previous incarnations, which help you to better understand current blockades, themes and fears and then to dissolve them.

The messages help you to get more and more into your heart and also to strengthen and deepen your connection to the spiritual world. The messages also want to remind you of your spiritual origin, your powerful potential and strengthen your trust in yourself!

The process:
You send us an email to: with your contact details and transfer the fee for the Personal Channeling and as soon as the fee is received on our account, we will retrieve the channeling for you and then send it to you by email or mail!

More information:
The channeling we have worked out is about 4-7 pages.
The processing time is four to five weeks. It is happening in perfect divine timing for you. ;)

If you also have certain questions for the channeling that you would like to have answered by the Spiritual World, please also send them to us by mail. A maximum of 3 questions per channeling will be answered.

Jessica's main focus of the channeling are the angels, archangels and nature beings and especially the messages of your very personal guardian angel, which Jessica has been calling for her clients since her teenage years. By bundling Jessica's and Patrick's medial skills and their work focus, two different levels of medial work flow in and create a clear and revealing channeling for you!

Patrick has been working as a medium, channel medium since he was 19 years old. His main focus is on messages from angels, archangels, spiritual leaders, higher beings of light etc. It is also possible for Patrick to read your soul plan and read it in the Akasha Chronicle, so that information about your spiritual potential and also information about past incarnations can flow into the channeling. Patrick is also aura-facient, which means he can also perceive your aura from a distance and read it out through his clairvoyance, this information can also flow into the channeling and help you to consciously work on your energetic blockades.

100 Euro for the personal channeling by mail.

It is also possible to receive the channeling by post, but shipping costs will be added. (2,50 Euro within Ireland, other countries on request.)

If you have any questions about Personal Channeling, please contact us at:

We are looking forward to your Personal Channeling from the Spiritual World!

From the heart
Jessica and Patrick

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