Energetic Light Painting

Energetic Light Painting

At the age of 16, Jessica, inspired by the angelic worlds, consciously began to work with spiritual world to paint through channeling painting. Through this conscious contact to the spiritual world, especially to the angels, Jessica then developed her "light painting" in 2003, which she now calls "energetic light painting".

Since then Jessica combines her art with spirituality, over many years she has been able to paint many personal paintings for different people and hold individual sessions and seminars.

In 2020 she starts her first certified training in energetic painting "Energetic Light Painting". 
You can find more information here: Training in Energetic Light Painting.
Anyone who has a channeled painting can consciously work with this painting. The channeled/energetic painting spreads positive energies and thus improves the atmosphere and raises the room energy!

What is meant by Energetic Light Painting?
This kind of painting is a conscious contact to the spiritual world, in which the artist, consciously energetically and spiritually, opens herself to the world of energy, light and love and "install" and transports these energies through her/his hands into the painting.
The artist is thus a conscious channel = medium for the subtle world and their energies. Painting a painting truly creates a high energetic field, which stimulates one's own transformation and so one experiences one's own processes. 
For example, when painting with an angel being, these energies flow through the entire energetic system and also through the physical body. Unconsciously and consciously, energies are released and the energies are energetically transported through the open light channels in the arms and hands. 
The Energetic Light Painting is thus an active transformation and light process of the resources activated and harmonized in oneself. 
Since the channeled energies are "installed" and sealed into the painted painting by a certain process, an active working is possible and working with and through these pictures.
You can find detailed instructions here:
* You consciously connect with your painting through your heart and hand chakras and let the subtle energies flow into your energetic system. This can happen while lying down, but also while standing in front of the painting (depending on the size of the canvas).
* You always breathe in and out into your heart and allow yourself the absorption and acceptance of the subtle energies. With each conscious inhalation and exhalation these energies flow more and more into your own energetic system and can thus slowly integrate themselves.
Each painted painting is unique and has a certain energetic frequency and represents a certain light being and heart theme. It is also an imprint of the one cosmic energy.
In summary one can say that the Energetic Light Painting is a work of consciousness and transformation on a creative and energetic basis.

Energetic Light Painting is characterized by painted personal guardian angels, soul paintings, family angels, partnership angels, animal healing paintings and other personal paintings (e.g. angels of self-love, angels of joy of life, fairy paintings, natural spirit paintings, unicorn paintings, goddess paintings...), which are individually adjusted to the respective person, animal, house or therapy room.
Where the paintings have taken their place and found their place (on the wall in the living room, in the bedroom, in the children's room, in the own therapy room etc.) they unfold their full potential.
It is Jessica's wish that every human being may remember his inner strength/inner light = potential and the spiritual world (his own spirit team and his heart and his love power) and thus be able to establish an easier connection to the spiritual world through the painting.
The uniqueness of Jessica's Energetic Light Paintings lies in the fact that she manages to install the energy of the spiritual world and the light beings and supporting positive energies present in the painting process into the painting, so that these powerful and gentle energies remain forever in the paintings and thus positively influence one's own energy and the space energy. It is also exciting to see that sensitive and sensitive people can feel these energies.
For me, Jessica's paintings are energy carriers from the spiritual, subtle world and remind us that there is more in us than we have thought until then.
Patrick Dörfer - Medium - Heart-Beat-Healing

Would you also like to receive your painting from the spiritual world? 

I would love to create with the spiritual world your personal painting!

Please contact me, here: contact@archangel-michael-healing-centre.com

From the heart,

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