Angel-Medium Training

Angel-Medium Training

incl. "Angel-Healing" Basic

"Live with the angels, the spiritual power and love, your life and your potential."


Transform yourself and your life and become free! 

It is time to live your life with your powerful helpers, friends and companions, the angels. 

This training will give you true growth potential and lift you to a new level of consciousness. 

Our developed training offers you the possibility to further educate yourself spiritually and holistically, to train your spiritual and personal abilities and to dive deep into yourself. It is a training that will touch you deep in your heart, because from the 1 day of training, you will no longer walk the path alone, because you know that you are accompanied by powerful heavenly beings, the angels!

This training offers you the opportunity to learn valuable healing work for yourself and for Mother Earth and to pass it on to your clients! 

It is very important to us to teach you a grounded spirituality that connects you with heaven and earth, so that you can develop the power and self-confidence to pass on your learned and integrated knowledge to other people.

You learn to connect consciously with the spiritual world and to make yourself available as a medium, as an angel medium and healing channel. You pass on your divine abilities in a targeted manner and place yourself at the service of the divine power within you!

We invite you to join us and the spiritual world, indeed the angels, on a high-swinging journey to yourself. We will provide you with the tools and techniques that we have developed over many years of working with the angels, so that you can apply all the knowledge and techniques you have learned for yourself and your clients.

The Angel-Medium Training will help you to unfold yourself even more, to recognise yourself and teach you to let your spirituality flow firmly into the matter!

We will remind you in a loving, humorous and powerful way where your true power lies and how you can consciously use and live it with your angels.

The training is divided into 4 module units to train you specifically on the different levels of spiritual and energetic work with the angels.

These very intensive training days will transform you strongly and let you and your abilities shine!

1. module * Energetic purification and transformation work with the archangels *

= day 1and day 2

2. module * Energetic healing with the angels, incl. "Angel-Healing" Basic

= day 3 and day 4

3rd module * Activation of your clairvoyant senses with practical applications, angel teaching *

= day 5 and day 6

4th module * Training and testing of your sensory perceptions, initiation of your Divine Power! *

= day 7 

Module contents:

1st module * Energetic purification and transformation work with the archangels*

Purification/clearing with the Spiritual World, especially with Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, as well as Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel (Blue and Purple Ray), you learn with the help of the spiritual forces, Archangels and the Angels, to clean, stabilise and recharge yourself.

Training contents:

Aura cleaning

Chakra cleansing

Contact your Guardian Angel and your Spirit Team

Replacement of external energies and implants

Breaking away from old structures and belief patterns (family system)

Cleaning rituals for you and your clients

Creating and learning to use cleansing meditations

Recognising the Divine Timing

Light body process - transformation process, * The change on earth

Protection techniques 

Interpret and understand the messages of your Spirit Team

What is my gift?

What is my soul mission?

What is my vocation work on earth?

Body Awareness 

Soul Awareness

Stabilisation and realignment * Anchoring (grounding)

Learn to unleash the primal power and trust within yourself and for your clients

Courage to the truth * Throat chakra activation

Your strength, your courage and your power in love (self-empowerment)

2. module * Energetic healing with the angels, incl. "Angel-Healing" Basic

This module now combines your learned knowledge about cleansing and realignment and now learns you the Energetic Healing with the Angels "Angel-Healing" Basic.

Training contents:

Work with the healing angels, especially with Archangel Raphael

Work with the Divine Green Ray

Being a healing channel

Hand chakras and light channel opening

Activate the energy flow in the spine and learn to use it consciously

Heart healing with Archangel Jophiel

Learning to connect heaven and earth with Archangel Ariel

The heart chakra and your sacred space within you

Learning to retrieve heart meditations

Activate light meditations with your Guardian Angel

Awakening your light channels in your arms and hands

Conscious healing work for yourself, your clients and Mother Earth

Initiation of new healing energies into your energetic system

Acceptance of your healing power within you

Expand your spiritual abilities * Feel light *

Healing of the chakras

Trauma Detachment

Work with Archangel Raphael "Activation of the healing current

Earth Healing Work * Healing Ancestor Issues *

Lighting body activation

Activation of the third eye with Archangel Raziel

Activation of the crown chakra

Activation of your root chakra

Dissolving and healing work for the heart and Mother Earth with the Archangels Omniel and Anthriel

Peace work with the angels of peace and harmony, especially with Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Gabriel

Peace Ceremony

Work with the angels of hearts

Bring about increases in vibration with the help of the angels

3rd module * Activating your clairvoyant senses with practical applications, angel teaching*

In this module you consciously remember your clairvoyant senses and learn how to realign and activate yourself with the help of the spiritual forces, you make yourself available as a healing channel.

Training contents:

Learning to retrieve information from the spiritual world

Understanding and learning to classify the different levels of the angelic worlds

Channeling * conscious recall 

Recognize and manifest your work as a lightworker, into the earth, 

into the matter

I am, love itself * Self-love for you and your clients

You are valuable

Divine laws

Initiation of healing energies for you, your clients and the world

Building your force and energy field

See and feel with the heart * clairvoyance * feeling light * clairvoyance

Accepting your Divine Power and Love * Soul Consciousness-Soul Strength *


Soul reading

Wisdom of the heart 

Set up and activate your light channel

Stabilisation and realignment of your cells and chakras

Who am I really?

What are my talents and abilities?

Grounding your wisdom * Heart's wisdom *

Activation of the 12 chakras

Learn light and energy meditations for you and your clients

4th module * Training and testing of your sensory perceptions * Initiation of your Divine Power!

In this final module we will go deeper into the spiritual forces of your consciousness. Forces will be anchored deep within you and you will learn to draw new knowledge from yourself and the spiritual world.

Training contents:

Activation of your self-healing powers

Activation of your visionary abilities with the help of the angels 

Detaching from old concepts and old energies * Reorientation *

Completion of light-filled meditation evenings

Activation of your healing abilities * Upower within you!

Release from old traumas

Sensitisation of your energy pathways in the body

Training and alignment of your DNA and light channel

Connected with your angels in your life

Activation of the cosmic heart within you!

Expressing your truth

Initiation of your spiritual powers

Boost your energies

Cosmic heart activation

Learn to consciously use the healing power within you for yourself and your clients

Cosmic Mother

Cosmic Father

Mother Earth

Connection to the starry worlds * crystal angels *

Being a channel for the spiritual world

Anchoring your light in the earth and learning to live your power on earth

Testing your skills

Graduation with graduation ceremony + award of certificate with graduation ceremony


* Each participant receives an energy-light-card set, consisting of 24 cards and 4 crystals.

In addition you will receive two channelled meditation recordings on CD or via download.

Limitation of participants: 

6 participants


Southwest Ireland (Co. Kerry)


will come soon!


Jessica Ballweg and Patrick Dörfer*** find out more about us here about us

Registration and further information can be found here:


We are looking forward to you and this very special training with you!

From the heart

Jessica and Patrick

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